How To Gain Social Media Exposure With Zealy?

How To Gain Social Media Exposure With Zealy?

  • 24-07-2023

    In today's digital age, social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to reach new customers and grow their brands. However, with so many businesses vying for attention, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. That's where Zealy comes in.

    Zealy is a Web3 onboarding platform that helps Web3 communities drive growth and engagement by turning their members into contributors. It is a gamified platform that rewards users for completing tasks, such as participating in discussions, creating content, and referring new users. Zealy also provides analytics tools that allow communities to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

    With Zealy you can create a campaign to gamify your community and gain exposure too by creating quests for your audience/members.

    First, you have to set up your account. How? Is this hard? No, relax I got your back. Check our Blog here on

    Now, Let's see how you can gain social media exposure with Zealy for your Brand, Project, or Community. Here are some quest ideas in order to get more exposure:

    1. Daily Gm Tweet:

      You might think that's a silly thing to do, but it will make your brand visible to all of your members' followers. This will give your brand a lot of impressions and attention.

      Case Study: Okay bears ( one of the biggest Nft projects on Solana) is a culture shift. A clean NFT collection of 10,000 diverse bears building a virtuous community that will transcend the internet into the real world.

      They invented the GM streaks to be posted Daily on Twitter, in 2 months they got:

      80k+ GM tweets.
      45M+ Impressions.
      950 people Tweeting daily the GM.

      Imagine if you did that! If only 10% of the above number did it for your Zealy campaign, that would be 4.5 million impressions, and that's just from 95 people! What if you got even bigger? (Just imagine that!) 😉
    2. Daily Tweet:

      Create a quest that makes your members post a daily informative tweet about your project/brand or community. This will give you free marketing for your brand and people will know about you more.
    3. Tweet in another language than English:

      Tweeting in languages other than English can help you reach a wider audience and introduce yourself to people from different cultures and nationalities.
    4. Create a Thread ( min of 3 sub tweets):

      This will encourage people to talk more about your project on Twitter and allow to give more information to them.
    5. Write a Blog on Medium:

      This is an opportunity for you to get free article publishing and SEO gains. You can let people write blogs about your brand, as long as they are informative and up-to-date on the latest developments in your project. There is no cost associated with this service.
    6. Create a Meme and share it on Twitter:

      It's as simple as this! Let your community members create positive memes about your project and share them on Twitter. You can also turn these memes into sticker packs to use in the community.
    7. Like, Retweet, Comment:

      Get free organic engagement on your tweets! Every week, choose one tweet for your members to engage with and help you grow your audience.
    8. Follow us:

      Create a quest that encourages your members to gain organic followers for your project. Like: Follow us on Instagram - Twitter - LinkedIn etc...
    In conclusion, Zealy is a powerful tool that can help you gain social media exposure for your brand, project, or community. By creating quests that encourage your members to engage with your brand on social media, you can reach a wider audience and grow your following.

    N.B: Ensure that when they complete the tweet task, they use the hashtag of your project and mention your official page. Otherwise, reject the quest for them and have them repeat it.

    So what are you waiting for? Reach out to us here to help you in setting up and your Zealy campaign.

    Hussein Mkahal

    Hussein Mkahal

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